No, not Nicholas Sparks...scroll down to see who I'm talking about ;)

So no sooner do I join the "book club", and go get the book, but a book I've had on hold at the library is ready to be picked up! Damn!
Have you ever read 2 books at once? I never have.
Until now :)
Enter into my life the funniest author I have ever read. I mean ever!! Jen Lancaster. The really great news is. She has a blog...Oh. Yes. She. Does. Check it out here. Hilarious!! You can get a taste for her style and humor.

I just felt the need to pass on this little tidbit for those of you searching for a fast read this summer. Really, it's not hard to follow. It's technically a "memoir" of how she got laid off for...well lets just say,a really long time!!
Editors note: Please go check out Connie's picture on Jennsylvannia.While you're at it, check out Connie's very wonderful blog: The Young and The Relentless. I almost feel like I know Jen Lancaster now. Thanks for hooking me up, Connie!!
10 Shout Out:
I LOVE Jen Lancaster! She featured an 80's picture of me and my sister a few months back when she was getting ready for her book tour. Look for DAY SIX.
She is awesome!!
LOve her. I got to meet her at a book signing in May. After Bitter, read Bright Lights Big Ass; Such A Pretty Fat and then read the latest, Pretty In Plaid.
Do not read them in public. ('cuz you will be braying like a donkey, laughing out loud.)
I can't wait to read her! She looks freakin' hilarious!
Thanks for the shout out, you are too sweet! : )
Oh yeah, and Jess tried to leave you a comment this morning, but her browser wasn't working well, so you know, she was here and tried to tell you you're awesome! : )
Ok I've seen Connie and others talking about these, guess I'll get myself some laughs - yeah!
Her blog is hilarious, so I have to check out these books!
sounds yummy...thinking of you...hope you are getting more sunshine than's been dreadful here...but hard to complain after last summer...hugs, Jodi
By the way...Vivienne had her latest book signed for me when she saw her. And my sister had a book signed at a book signing in Texas. They both took the 80's picture with them so it was kind of like I was stalking her...without being there! LOL!
Thanks for the info on this book. I am in the library a couple of times a week this summer.
I just joined the book club and will be getting that book today ....I hope...the NS one. I have heard a lot of funny funny stuff about Jen Lancaster. I am now off to check out her blog....I'll see f the library has her book too!