Monday, May 21, 2007

It's warm, but I'm all about the cool nights

I must say, this altered sweatshirt from my pal Jodi at Happy House Quilts is the best thing since sliced bread!! I'm here in the east, and the nights are getting cool once the sun goes down, and this little beauty is saving my gal from a runny nose. Hey Jodi...all the boys are getting colds ;)
Kelly has been wearing this every night for about 2 weeks and it's so soft and comfy she doesn't give me a fight getting it on. I'll be taking it to the beach, and anywhere else this summer when it'll be cool at night. I know the warm weather just started, but I'm already looking forward to Fall.

1 Shout Out:

Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

so cute!!!! just want to squeeze her!!! So happy you like it. I've never made a boy one...don't know what I would put on it...need to get more fabric...any excuse to buy more fabric. Giggle!

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